How a hobby can become a source of income?

Times of crisis like what we are facing today is teaching us to live with essentials. Many of us are facing troubles in bringing a break-even turnover, working extra hours, substantial pay cuts and some of us are laid off.

On the bright side, we spent happy times with family, had a long peaceful sleep, watched that movie/series you wanted to watch for a long time, wrote that magical sentence for your book or had beautiful times in playing. We were bored, and now we have at least three hobbies. What if I say create a source of income from your hobbies?!

Sounds glamorous right?! Keep reading to know more.

Reading is my hobby

Join the club! I love reading too! No better companionship than a good book.

I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! — When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.Join the club! I love reading too.

Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice

Fine, but how to create an income from it? Read it out aloud to the world! Create your own podcasts and start earning form them. We listen to podcasts while working out, driving or sometimes even while at shower! Why not use your hobby in creating your own podcasts and earn from it. You can check Google Podcasts for more info on this.

I know to play video games!

Great! Get a team of friends and go for a championship. Video game championships are quite popular for some time around. All you need to do is play video games and win huge prizes. One such championship I know of is the PubG Global Events. You can check the official website for more information.

Turn you hobby into an income

I am a creator

Are you an artist, potter, craftsman like carpenter or do you create anything? Then check the platforms like Etsy, Messho, etc. You can sell your creations online. If you want to be independent in selling your creations then create an eCommerce site. Talk to us or reply here so we can help you in selling your products.

Creating is your talent and we will help you to turn your talent into income!

1 thought on “How a hobby can become a source of income?

  1. Ignitedminds Space

    Nice piece of advice here


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